(photo by:
James Braudway)
I wanted to run this image on my URL feeds as a "Campaign Photo" for a Facebook Fundraiser.
filtered by
transferring the images back & forth between devices and applications for Chrome, LG & Android.
St. Jude Cancer Research Program at
Cooks Childrens Hospital in Downtown Fort Worth.
Not $1 Was Donated by Anyone.
Next I opened a bank account , I purchased a website and tore it down. I linked it to My URL (yes MY URL) from Myspace.com
I have tried endlessly to contact Myspace.com to no end...
I wanted to migrate my Metadata over to
My Facebook.com URL
where I would (with permission) run ads and participate in Affiliate Marketing from a Homebased Business. This was (with urgency) a year to the day before Covid-19 caused a Pandemic.
HackaDaily Game Blogger
I have been working in or following intraweb marketing in Social Media for 20 years...
In fact after I got sick and Denied Disability the Administrative Judge Ward D. King all but orded and In writing "suggested"
that with my knowledge and exemplary work record That I could "solicit" and that there was no reason I could not be titled as disabled since I could...
Since I Could Basically Think. See, the government doesn't look at what you're limited to or shouldn't do... Only what you CAN DO.
Just because I Can do something should I?
Who do you listen to, your Doctor or The Judge? These are the questions one will struggle with.
I am assuming he had no idea as to the money it takes to build a marketing program from nothing with limitations on income,(which is new to me) Hardware and Software.
There is also the cost of computers, phones, leads, data storage, cloud space, domain, host and a Product or Service that people are in need of or are willing to pay for.There are
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